If I Can Fly
Cynthia Holiday
I am an experienced artist who has had an interest in art since childhood. At the age of 9, I received my first camera; a 620mm Kodak Brownie that my parents purchased with Plaid Stamps (trading stamps received from grocery stores and gas stations). My father's profession was photography and I would assist him in his work. When I attended Southern Illinois University, the design department was housed in army barracks and Geodesic Domes. It was in one of the barracks that my classmates and I built our first darkroom. We processed film, shot photos, edited 8mm film and shot black and white open reel Sony video tape.
After I graduated and eventually moved to Harlem USA, I built a darkroom in my bathroom. I placed my enlarger in the window and used window bug screens wired together to hold my developing trays over the bathtub. It was a simple process from washing my prints and drying them in the kitchen. It was fun and also a profitable solution since I was able to use my girlfriend as my assistant to run photo's through the developer and fixer, during which time I processed the different shots on the enlarger.
In the early 80's, I became a professional photo assistant in New York City. I processed black and white commercial shots and learned more about pricing, composition, lighting and large format cameras.
I attended Southern Illinois University School of Design, and studied Photography and Graphic Arts. I received my B.A. Degree in Design in 1971. Upon returning to New York, I attended Fashion Institute of Technology where I studied grahpic Arts. I also attended Manhattan Community College, studying Corporate and Cable Communications in Video Production and Editing. In 1993, I entered the digital world and received my certification in Desktop Publishing from Data Quest Systems in Fairfield, New Jersey.
I am a self taught painter and have exhibited my work in New York, New Jersey and Illinois. I also taught both photography and art in the public schools of New York City.
My passions continue to be Jazz and the African American Lifestyle. My combination of brilliant colors and detail make my work both realistic and powerful.
Open and enter my site where you will see galleries of art, both mine and other great artists.
You can also take a trip down memory lane with my first and foremost influential mentor, my father, Sherman (One Shot) Scott and his photography. His photo's are awe-inspiring, alluring and classy. Lastly, they are historical, dating back to the early 40's with his tour in the U.S. Air Force. Take a look at one of the 1949 calendars from his magazine, "Sepia Arts," that predated both "Jet" and "Ebony."
romainrgraphics™ offers many services. Desktop Publishing, which includes brochures, pamphlets, handbills, menus, CD Covers and greeting cards, photo retouching as well as organization and family reunion specials. This includes our annual calendars featuring head shots of all your favorite people and events. You can also order prints of the art works presented in each of the galleries.
Five Most influential Mentors
Number One Mentor
My Dad
Sherman L Scott